Fast ferry summer schedules begin June 4

A Kitsap Transit fast ferry prepares to land at Pier 50 in Seattle.

Ah, spring. We’ve missed you.

To be honest, we’re still in the process of missing you. I think I speak for everyone when I say we here at Kitsap Transit are ready for warmer weather.  

Warmer weather or not, there’s good news on the horizon: Kitsap Transit will roll out our summer fast ferry schedules starting June 4, offering quick all-day access to Seattle on Saturdays. Soon you’ll be able to grab dinner, catch a concert, or attend a Mariners’ game across the water and have additional late-night options for returning to Kitsap County.

Long-time riders will know that we usually switch from our normal (or winter) schedules to our summer schedules in early May. Like many ferry operators across the country – and even internationally – Kitsap Transit is dealing with a shortage of qualified mariners. We’re working hard to hire more deckhands and captains, but in the interim we were forced to delay our implementation of Saturday service. 

Our Bremerton, Kingston and Southworth fast-ferry routes have different Saturday schedules, but the first sailings from Kitsap depart around 9:30 a.m., while the last sailings from Seattle depart between 11:10 and 11:30 p.m. We’re also adding late-night service to our Port Orchard-Bremerton ferry route on Saturdays to accommodate passengers traveling to and from Seattle on the fast ferries. You can find links to detailed schedules on our Fast Ferry page.

The new schedule coincides with another important change: Our Bremerton fast ferry route is moving from Pier 54 to Pier 50, effective May 2. We’re making a few schedule changes because of this move, as all three of our fast ferry routes will be landing at the same dock.

Bremerton and Kingston departures have shifted by five to 10 minutes in the afternoons, and two trips on Route 301 were adjusted to accommodate those changes. You can view the new schedules on our Fast Ferry page

Kitsap Transit’s summer sailing schedules will run from June 4 through September 24, after which we will switch to our winter schedule.

Kitsap Transit Fast Ferry fares are $2 traveling from Bremerton to Seattle and $10 from Seattle to Bremerton. You can pay with cash or an ORCA card. For information on reduced-fare options, visit our fares page.


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