What we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving

Working in public transportation can sometimes feel like a thankless job.

Routed operators, ACCESS operators, ferry captains and deckhands are up hours before the sun every day, working diligently to transport passengers safely. Behind the scenes, our mechanics, dispatchers and customer service agents keep our operations humming in sun, sleet and snow.

In September, Kitsap Transit held its first-ever All-Hands Meeting, where we thanked our staff for their hard work and dedication to Kitsap County residents, and honored our top drivers for their safety records. As part of that event, we asked Kitsap Transit partners and riders about what they appreciate about their bus operators, ferry workers, and the public transit system in Kitsap County. We gathered those stories together into a short video, which you can watch below.

Kitsap Transit couldn’t do what we do without our incredible, hardworking staff. We’re thankful for all of them, and for our great community of riders who keep us going. Happy Thanksgiving.


Headways Newsletter: November 2023


New bus simulator will help KT operator trainees in and out of the classroom